When using the PHP Framework Installer bundled in the PortGlasgow.Com Site Control Panel, it’s easy to install a new PHP framework for your brand–new project. You don’t need to look for the most recent version of a framework and then spend your time configuring it. Everything you should do is specify the location of the PHP framework and click on the Install button.

Many different frameworks accessible

Commence your web projects with a framework

Using the PHP Framework Installer integrated into the PortGlasgow.Com Site Control Panel, it is possible to install distinctive PHP frameworks, each of them delivering a unique range of features and functionalities: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Every PHP framework is upgraded to the current stable release and its incorporation needs no setup at all.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework setting up

Your PHP framework is simply a click away

The installation of a PHP framework can be tough and complicated, as you need to ensure you discover the latest stable release and also have abilities to configure it without any help. Using the PHP Framework Installer, we make an attempt to take care of this difficulty. The Installer helps you to install a complete PHP framework in just a minute, with no additional setup required.

We’ve made an effort to simplify the installation process a lot. All you must do is tell the Installer where you need the PHP framework to be put in place and the smart system will perform everything else.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click data backup

The fastest method to back up a framework

Every reasonable programmer is aware that it is vital to make a backup of one’s project to rely upon in the event of a problem. For this reason, we integrated a 1–click backup instrument to our PHP Framework Installer. This helps you to back up your current framework including all of the alterations you’ve made, with simply a click of the mouse.

There is no backup limit. Provided you have available disk space within your account, you can make as many backups as you wish.

1-click backup