The thorough online analytics data inside your Site Control Panel will enable you to watch just about all actions on your web site. You’ll receive up–to–the–minute information on the load generated in your hosting account along with the site traffic they receive on a per–hour, weekly and monthly base. You will also find detailed information with regards to our servers in general such as the physical IP address, the OS, the variations of PHP and MySQL and others. All the details is classified in areas as a way for you to locate it.

Server Information and Facts

Look at the hosting server’s Operating System, IP address, etc.

From the Web Statistics Manager area of the Site Control Panel, you will get real–time information about the server such as the Operating System that’s used or the real IP address of your web hosting account. Furthermore, one can find valuable specifics for your own website design assignments like the current versions of PHP, MySQL and Perl, in addition to the mounted Perl modules. Mail server data like the sendmail path as well as the incoming and outbound maill servers is also integrated.

All the web hosting server details are displayed in a readable way so that you can easily find the details you need.

Hepsia File Manager

Access & Error Logs

Receive information regarding your sites’ performance

With the information collected in the Access & Error Listing part of the Site Control Panel, you can easily track down any possible troubles with the functionality of your websites. The access records will show you all kinds of files like texts, photos and video clips that have been examined by your visitors whilst the error records will report virtually any warnings and problems that have taken place during their stay on your website.

You can easily open the access and error report data for each of your operational websites from the Web Statistics Manager area of your Site Control Panel.

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Web Traffic Stats

See the traffic to your website in detail

Through the web stats tools built into the PortGlasgow.Com Site Control Panel, it’s possible to keep track of the customers on your web site in a great detail. You can select in between 2 common interfaces – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which provide you with more information about the visitors to your website and also the content material they request to view on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly principle.

You do not have to set up absolutely anything upfront to get website traffic details for your websites. Within the Traffic Stats area of the Site Control Panel, simply open the statistics file for any particular domain and get the details you need for your advertising campaigns.

Hepsia File Manager

CPU Statistics

Observe your web sites’ CPU load

The CPU statistics included within your Site Control Panel will offer you real time info about the server load that is accumulated in your web hosting account because of your applications, database inquiries, etcetera. Therefore, the more dynamic and complex your website is, the more server allocations it will require to always be running efficiently.

The CPU load reports are delivered in a readable method and gives you info on the hosting server load made each day, monthly or annually. This precise information can keep you updated about the server power use at any minute and will help you prevent your sites from getting offline in consequence of web server overload (exceeded CPU usage limits).

Hepsia File Manager