A lot of people who start using their very first web hosting account, or switch companies, typically have inquiries with regard to how specific operations are executed or confront complications when setting up different things like emails, website settings, and so on. Because of this, lots of web hosts have prepared documentation with the most common questions and issues so as to help their clients obtain information swiftly and easily. As a result, the help desk staff can spend more time on real issues that certain customers may be experiencing, because the solution for the minor things will already be available online and clients can handle them without getting in touch with the technical support staff. Having detailed documentation is extremely important, particularly for new clients with zero experience, because the web hosting service involves a ton of features and lots of individuals can get confused about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you execute the operations that you need and acquaint yourself with how the hosting service works in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Website Hosting
If you’ve bought your first website hosting account through our company or have transferred your website over to us, you’ll grow used to our platform and our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel very quickly thanks to the fact that we have prepared an in-depth web-based knowledge base where you can find all the info that you will ever need – both general info with regards to the hosting service as a whole and more concrete info about the different features that you can make use of and the difficulties that you might come across. The articles are located in 2 places. The entire article collection is accessible through the Control Panel’s Help section. You can find articles that are dedicated to the different features in every Control Panel section as well. You can acquaint yourself with how to accomplish basically everything, from enabling an .htaccess config file to managing a mailing list, and all the articles offer detailed guidelines, so you will never get bewildered due to an unclear text. Needless to say, in case you experience a more specific problem and you cannot find an adequate solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our client support staff members 24-7-365.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We’ve prepared an in-depth knowledge base for all our present and future customers, so if you order a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will be able to find any info that you’re looking at any time. We’ve got a large number of informative help articles, which will help you better understand what’s happening in your account – "What’s PHP?" and "What are file permissions?" are simply 2 examples. Our how-to manuals will help you do anything you wish – extract an archive, import a database, forward a domain, etc. Also, we’ve also got troubleshooting instructions, which will enable you to discover what causes a specific problem and the possible solutions for it. In case you’re unable to send emails or your domain returns an HTTP 500 error message, for instance, you can examine our knowledge base and resolve the problem right away. You can access the articles through any section of the Control Panel, as well as through the all-inclusive Help section.