Mailing List Members
Find what a mailing list member is and how to join a mailing list without delay.
Mailing list members are individuals that have joined a specific mailing list to receive regular emails, including weekly newsletters. In case the mailing list management software app that is used to administer the list permits it, you can also include mailing list members manually, but in this case such messages may be regarded as being unsolicited and reported as spam by the recipients. Usually, these members can unsubscribe from a list by clicking a link in the emails they receive, or you, being the mailing list admin, can remove them manually if they ask for this or in case you decide that some of the members should not be part of the mailing list anymore. Each mailing list member will be able to see only their own email address in the "To" field of the messages they get, but not the addresses of the remaining members of the mailing list.
Mailing List Members in Website Hosting
In case you have a
Linux website hosting on our advanced cloud web hosting platform, you’ll be able to configure electronic mailing lists and to manage their subscribers without effort. We rely on a powerful app called Majordomo, which comes with tons of features and it is hardly a surprise that it’s among the most widely used mailing list apps out there. Including or removing a mailing list member is really easy – you’ll just need to send an email with a specific command in the body of the message to, meaning that you don’t even have to log into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In the exact same way, you can also view all current members of any mailing list that you set up. Should you encounter any problems, you can examine the educational articles that we have added in the Email Manager section of the Control Panel or you can touch base with our customer care team, which will be available to you 24x7x365.
Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Hosting
semi-dedicated server that we offer will enable you to set up mailing lists with as many members as you like. The advanced Majordomo application that we provide will grant you complete command over your subscribers. You will be able to authorize and to delete members or to view a thorough list of all current mailing list members. The new ones will get a confirmation email message and they will have to agree to subscribe to a particular list and to get emails in the future. You can manage the mailing lists that you have set up and the mailing list members from any place or device without having to log in to your Hepsia hosting Control Panel – you just need to send an email message to In case you don’t know how to perform a given task, you can always check the help articles about Majordomo that will be available in your hosting Contol Panel.